7 Reasons to Make Unplugging a Priority


As a mom, entrepreneur, and wearer of many hats I tend to feel an abundance of stress and helplessness at times. I am sure you can relate. Because of this, I try to seek out moments when the stars align, and everything is in balance as I gaze into the world with fresh child-like eyes. It’s essentially why I created Events Full Circle – to find more time and reasons to celebrate as often as possible whether that’s through parties, family activities, trips, and spontaneous adventures.


But I have noticed, that even though I am doing more of the things I want to do, I still feel like I am not. I couldn’t exactly pinpoint why I felt this way and then I finally had an “Ah-Ha” moment. Even though I am celebrating more, taking more time off, spending more time with my family – I am still constantly immersed in technology. I am either documenting what I am doing, checking email, hearing a notification ding, or getting lost in Instagram posts.

Let me start off by saying, I am not boycotting technology. There are so many wonderful things it has done for the world including completely changing the way we communicate with each other across the globe, hence why I can have this blog. But in my opinion, the amount of time we spend using technology has turned into more of a curse than a blessing.

Weening off of technology is difficult – it’s almost like an addiction if you really pay attention to it. Answer these questions honestly and see if any of the answers don’t wind up being your iPhone, computer, TV, or something technologic. 

  • When you are bored, what is usually the first thing you automatically do? 

  • What is the first thing you look at in the morning?

  • Where do you search for and find information?

  • What is usually the last thing you do before you go to bed?

 To cut to the chase, I have been finding all of this quite disconcerting. I tend to feel like I am never satisfied, and constantly looking for the next thing. I have lost the satisfaction of stillness - of turning off. And I know one thing for sure, I don’t want my children to learn this compulsive behavior, and sadly I am already teaching it to them.

Here are 7 reasons why unplugging on a consistent basis would do wonders for our mental health…

1. We would concentrate more on our own lives and what makes us truly happy. How great would it feel to go one week without secretly stalking someone whose life you wish you had? We are constantly comparing ourselves to other people, thinking that their reality may be better than our own, when in reality we are really only shown the very best or the very worst of people through media. 

2. We would get more done. When I went off social media for all of January, I couldn’t figure out when I was ever actually on social media before. My life was so busy. When did I used to have time to watch TV, check in on social media, and surf the internet?? Truthfully, once I unplugged in January, I was just filling up my time doing other tangible things like earning my Event Certification, taking care of my newborn twins, and organizing the house. I was getting way more done. 

3. We would have spare time. When is the last time you honestly felt like you had spare time? You probably joke about it, “sure I will do that in my spare time” (cue eye roll). The beauty of spare time has been replaced by technology hands down. I automatically check email or social media whenever I have “spare time”, instead of using that time to do something that really needs to get done.


4. We could live in the beauty of moments instead of always trying to capture them. When is the last time you watched a beautiful sunset without wanting to take a photo for the gram’? Why do we feel that everything needs to be captured and shared?


5. We would actually rest. Technology is always on which subconsciously makes us feel that we should always be on too. That is unrealistic. How many of you reading this take your laptop on vacation and tell your boss, “if you need me, I’ll have my laptop”. Or answer an email at 6am that you got in the middle of the night. No wonder we all feel overworked – we work ALL THE TIME.


6. We won’t feel so overloaded. Piggy backing off of # 5, there is so much stimulation that comes from TV, movies, the news, social media, and the internet. Then we still have our own lives, families and friends. There’s hundreds of ideas and images being thrown at our brains every single day. Just like a muscle, you can’t do reps all day long, you have to let that muscle rest, or it will tear. 


7. Freedom. Technology has made humans think that everything should be available now!  We have limitless amounts of info at our fingertips. We keep our phones next to our pillows all night.  Why shouldn’t we answer an email Friday night at 9pm? If it chimes, we drop everything and look. That my friends, is being held captive by technology.


Moral of my story is, I am going to make a conscious effort to unplug on a daily basis and for days at a time in August. It is my theme for August – Unplugged Living. I can’t wait to share how it goes and how I feel after a month. If you follow me on the Gram’, I will announce the days I will be unplugged and you can join in the challenge as well if you would like! 

I also have an “Unplugged Celebration Bundle” coming out in the Shindig Shop that will allow you to do fun things for you and your family, without needing to be constantly checking your phone for instructions or recipes. The bundle consists of 4 party and activity plans that center around some element in nature, and do not require any technology! Buy the plan, print it off, and follow it! 



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