What You Really Should Know about Moon Phases


If you have been following my journey for a while, it is no surprise to you that I am super into the moon. If you are new around here, I am definitely a spiritual mama. This goes way back to when I was a young girl. I was always super into “woo woo” things without even knowing it.

I loved the idea of fortune telling, rocks & crystals, the full moon, and just all things magic. Fast forward 20 years later and I am still that little girl – just now armed with the internet to do TONS of research and find other soul sisters.

 A few years back, I put together a small “lady’s night in” party during the July full moon. I laid blankets on my lawn for us to do yoga. Afterwards, we had a light dinner and drinks around my outdoor fire pit. It was really fun, and I have been dying to do another full moon get together, on a bigger scale. 


If you are a newbie when it comes to the moon, I am going to share some very simple and straight forward information for you! The moon cycles have a notable effect on our lives, and if you start to pay attention, you may start to notice.

 My favorite facts:

  • Health care workers confirm that emergency calls are heavier around a full moon. 

  • Ancient civilizations would plant crops according to moon phases.

  • It’s a scientific proven fact that the moon and ocean tides correlate.

Moon Phases 101


 New Moon

  • The very first sliver of light in the sky

  • Promotes new beginnings, endeavors, and relationships

  • Plant the seeds of ideas during this phase to be harvested later

  • A great time plan a party


Waxing Moon

  • The moon is growing in size during this phase

  • Promotes increasing things in your life 

  • Focus on learning new things, making money, or communicating with people

  • A great time to pursue getting a party ready, checking off to-do’s, and DIY projects


 Full Moon

  • The moon is completely illuminated 

  • Promotes the most powerful time of the month

  • This is a time of activity, celebration, and fulfillment

  • Having a party during this time is ideal


 Waning Moon

  • The moon is decreasing in size

  • Promotes release, letting go, and completion

  • A great time to “break-up” with anything not good in your life

  • Not an ideal time for planning or celebrating, this is a time to rest

 Dark Moon

  • The two or three days when the moon is not visible at all

  • Promotes reflection 

  • Focus on what you have already accomplished and what you want to accomplish next 

  • A great time to brainstorm ideas for your next party


As you can see, each phase has its own meaning. I often consider the moon phases when planning parties, trips, new endeavors, and time off. Because the Full Moon is the best phase for celebrating, I love the idea of having an easy DIY Full Moon Party that you can celebrate with your friends as often as you would like. I have almost always found that when I am antsy to socialize, the full moon is approaching. 

 July 20th is Moon Day and I have big plans for showcasing a really fun Full Moon Pizza Party. So, before that premieres, I wanted to do a blog post on all things moon related to get everyone in the spirit! Check in on Instagram next week for lots of inspiration on hosting your own Full Moon Party.


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