How to make real home-made apple cider


There really isn’t anything better than warm apple cider on a chilly Fall day. 

One of my favorite memories is sitting by the fire on Halloween night, telling ghost stories and drinking warm cider. Use this recipe for Halloween, Thanksgiving, or any crisp fall day!

This recipe makes about 8 cups or about a ½ a gallon. This is a perfect amount for having a small gathering of 10 people or less. You will probably go through most of it, if not all of it. You can expect about a two week shelf life if you decide to make a big batch just for you and your family. Make a big batch before a cold streak comes through and have a warm glass at night by the fire. 



  • 12 apples, quartered 

  • 1 TBSP Lemon or 1 quartered Orange

  • 6 Cinnamon Sticks

  • 1 TBSP Whole Cloves

  • Drizzle of Caramel Sauce

  • 1 TBSP Cinnamon

  • 1 Cup Brown Sugar

  • 8 cups of water



1.     Quarter the apples and place slices plus cores into a crockpot.

2.     Add all the rest of the ingredients to the top.

3.     Pour water over top of the apples and ingredients.

4.     Turn the Crockpot on Low and let sit for 8-12 hours.

5.     Every 3 or so hours, stir and mash the apples in the crockpot.

6.     Once finished, strain the apples through cheese cloth or a pasta strainer with a bowl underneath to catch the juice.

7.     Transfer the juice to a pitcher or jug! 

8.     Serve warm and garnish with a cinnamon stick.

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Steph’s Top Pointers:

  • This home-made recipe is best served warm.

  • It is almost like a dessert or coffee, not really a refreshing drink. It is much richer than the traditional store-bought apple cider (and so much better). Great to have as an afternoon “snack” or after dinner drinks.

  • Pairs wonderfully with bourbon, or my favorite – Honey Jack Daniels.


For more Fall and Halloween inspo, check out the Halloween Mega Blog I created. Halloween and Fall is my favorite time of year, so I rounded up TONS of ideas for you!

Things for kids, family, just for mama, friends, and even trick-or-treat alternatives. And as always, if you need help planning a gathering, party, or holiday - check out my 1 hour event consultation package: Create Over Coffee. A super easy and affordable way to get event planner help without the high price tag. Consider me your party planning coach!


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