How to make real home-made apple cider
This recipe makes about 8 cups or about a ½ a gallon. This is a perfect amount for having a small gathering of 10 people or less. You will probably go through most of it, if not all of it. You can expect about a two week shelf life if you decide to make a big batch just for you and your family. Make a big batch before a cold streak comes through and have a warm glass at night by the fire.
1. Quarter the apples and place slices plus cores into a crockpot.
2. Add all the rest of the ingredients to the top.
3. Pour water over top of the apples and ingredients.
4. Turn the Crockpot on Low and let sit for 8-12 hours.
5. Every 3 or so hours, stir and mash the apples in the crockpot.
6. Once finished, strain the apples through cheese cloth or a pasta strainer with a bowl underneath to catch the juice.
7. Transfer the juice to a pitcher or jug!
8. Serve warm and garnish with a cinnamon stick.